30-24 / #7483
Modesty is Key
In packing for your trip, remember we are on this mission to represent Jesus Christ. As well, seek to honor the local culture. Both men and women should pack weather-appropriate, looser-fitting apparel that is not revealing. Refer to your trip leader and trip itinerary to know what apparel will be suitable for specific events and activities.
Things to keep in mind:
- Dresses, skirts and shorts should be knee-length, at least. Capris and Bermuda shorts are acceptable. Jersey shorts are not. Spandex leggings are acceptable under dresses.
- Comfortable, closed-toed shoes are best for the demands of the trip. However, flip flops/shower shoes are generally appropriate for the hotels/guest houses.
- All tops/shirts must have sleeves (long or short). No tank tops or spaghetti strap tops.
- We request that you leave flashy or expensive jewelry at home.