
3-42 / #3235

Language Barriers

Depending upon the location you are visiting, it would be useful to research the language. Knowing basic phrases and their pronunciation ahead of time can help you feel even more connected.

Apps and Books

  • Download a trusted translation app on your phone. (Example: Google Translate)
  • Purchase a book about the country/region of the world you are visiting that offers basic, commonly used phrases among the people.

3-42 / #9384

Cell Phones

Keeping up with loved ones…

It is recommended that you set your phone to airplane mode while traveling outside the US to avoid inadvertent fees. If you’d like international phone service, please check with your carrier to ensure you have international calling service and international rates. WIFI may be available in hotels/guest houses.

Emergency Calls ONLY

Prior to the trip, your leader will provide a contact number(s) for family members back home in the event of an emergency. Contact numbers are strictly for emergencies.